‘Spirit in the Dark at the Church of Zoom’ by LA Felleman

It’s not about Mozart
by Kerfe Roig

Spirit in the Dark at the Church of Zoom

Currently, LA Felleman is a financial analyst at the University of Iowa. Before that, she was a seminary professor.  Prior to that, she was a pastor.  She credits the Free Generative Writing Workshops, the Midwest Writing Center, and workshops offered through Iowa City Poetry with her development as a poet.  Her poetry recently appeared in Moot Point Magazine, Gyroscope Review, and Charge Magazine.  To give back to the writing community, she organizes a writers’ open mic at the public library (or via Zoom during pandemics) and serves on the advisory council of Iowa City Poetry.  She is the author of the chapbook The Length of a Clenched Fist (Finishing Line Press).

An American born in the state of Ohio, Kerfe Roig has resided in New York City since the age of 19.  She enjoys transforming words and images into something new. Her poetry and art have been featured online by Silver Birch PressThe song is…Pure HaikuVisual Verse, and The Ekphrastic Reviewand published in Ella@100Incandescent Mind, the Raw Art Review , The Anthropocene Hymnal: Songs of a self-defining eraThe Polaris Trilogy, and several nature inspired anthologies.  Follow her explorations on her blogs, https://methodtwomadness.wordpress.com/  (which she does with her friend Nina), and https://kblog.blog/, and see more of her work on her website http://kerferoig.com/.