‘Days’ by Ann Pedone

by Tony Schanuel


Day Five

all the milk here is 

an ill-
informed hard on 
I go out to the car & try to remember what I did
the last fifteen minutes on the toilet 
but can’t 

so I get out my phone &
look up the word ostrakon instead 
at some 
during the last century
everyone in 
X discovered 
that the sea is nothing but a 
series of hollows 

it is hollows 

Day Four

genitals only came to refer to the sex organs during the fourteenth century

Dav Five

since coffee or false nostalgia 

fixed on the woman with her back to the sun 

take a picture & text it to K 

who sends back an article from the Times 
on Benjamin & the lyric 

Day Two

the house 
has never had a 
so morning spent sucking at each 
on the sofa (could be)

cat’s cruel face in the mirror 

what sex is the letter “A” 

three days here & I’ve 
yet to see anyone 
doing it in the street but 
scrambled eggs w/o cheese 
all of his inherited icons stacked up in the closet 

some of which 
are badly 

stained or 
something else or some 
other book I’ve been reading 

I try scraping the pan into the sink & language 

ancient X is now modern 

just like a tall 
thin glass of 

“did you see it”

Day Eight

the man at the 
market hands me back my 
carton of milk 
& asks 
why I’m not married 

three years later 
back in New 
I’ll find out that he 
published a long 
poem all about the present tense

I’m still not
ashamed but it’s been three 
days & no one has cleaned up the cat shit in the middle of 
the stone 


which is no different than 

when the last 
king of X died & 

spray-painted FEMICIDE 

on every post 



my sex eats like a tenant in a rented house 

as boxed cereal is to wheat in the field 

Ann Pedone is a poet, non-fiction writer, and literary translator. She is the author of The Medea Notebooks (spring, 2023 Etruscan Press), and The Italian Professor’s Wife (2022, Press 53), as well as numerous chapbooks. Her work has appeared in The American Journal of Poetry, the Dialogist, Barrow Street, 2River, Tupelo Quarterly, and the Chicago Quarterly Review. Ann has been nominated for Best of the Net and has appeared as Best American Poetry’s “Pick of the Week”. She graduated from Bard College and has a Master’s degree in Chinese Language and Literature from Berkeley. Instagram: @annpedone.

Tony Schanuel is an award-winning photographer and visual artist who has fused a professional background in photography, digital technology, and painting and mark making to create fine art that transcends those mediums. His work has been featured in Digital Imaging Magazine, Computer Graphic Magazine, Wild Heart Journal, St. Louis Design Magazine, and is a featured artist in Cyber Palette and Extreme Graphics, two books showcasing digital artists and their work. He has exhibited at the Florence Biennale and his art is held in private and corporate collections including the Fine Arts Museum of Houston permanent photographic collection. http://www.schanuelphoto.com/.