‘A Glittering, A Glittering, A Glittering’ by Jessica Furtado

Burn as you please
by Carella Keil

A Glittering, A Glittering, A Glittering

               (an erasure from Stephen King’s Carrie)

By morning, the situation was critical:
               ablaze, a rage, a face, a destination. 
She glittered dully in the light of flames;
                              a shimmy on her mouth, trembling. 
Struck by the resemblance between a knife 
               and herself, she slipped and glittered,
a serpent in midnight streets
                              wrestling with shadows. 
               She, the last word, 
a mysterious wonder.
               When the pain began,
she held it and waited to make sacrifice,
               a knife come home to the glittering hook
                              of its blade, waiting to kill. The firelight
brighter now, dancing on the wall
                                             like dervishes, a prayer.

Jessica Furtado is a multi-passionate artist whose visual work has been featured in Grub StreetMuzzle MagazineWaxwing, & elsewhere, and whose writing has appeared in QwertyRogue Agent, & VIDA Review, among others. Jessica’s poetry was a finalist in Best of the Net (2020), and her debut chapbook A Kiss for the Misbehaved (2023) is available from BatCat Press.  To see what she’s up to next, visit Jess at www.jessicafurtado.com  Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/jessoatart/.

Carella Keil is a writer and digital artist who creates surreal, dreamy images that explore nature, fantasy realms, melancholia and inner dimensions. Her art has been published in a myriad of literary and art magazines, including Chestnut Review, Wander Magazine and Skyie Magazine, and featured on the covers of Glassworks Magazine, Colors: The Magazine, Frost Meadow Review, Nightingale & Sparrow, and forthcoming on the cover of Straylight Magazineinstagram.com/catalogue.of.dreams twitter.com/catalogofdream.