‘Always Ending’ by Brad Rose

Astral Connection
by Patrick “Rowan” Roughan

Always Ending

Eventually, your cells will stop being you. There’s no use taking it personally. They’ll just be empty calories, anyway. There are now more promising cures for diseases than promising diseases for cures.  It’s a supply chain problem. Fortunately, I’m dreaming of the dead and they’re dreaming of me. It seems like it’s a fair exchange, although it’s impossible to be sure who dreamed of whom, first. I know what you’re thinking: Practice makes perfect. Yes, the world is ending. The world is always ending. 

Brad Rose was born and raised in Los Angeles and lives in Boston. He is the author of six collections of poetry and flash fictionHis most recent collection is WordInEdgeWise, from Cervena Barva Press. Previous books include Lucky Animals, No. Wait. I Can Explain,  Pink X-Ray, de/tonationsandMomentary Turbulence.  Brad is also the author of seven poetry chapbooks, among them, Democracy of SecretsAn Evil Twin is Always in Good Company, and Funny You Should Ask. His website is www.bradrosepoetry.com.

Patrick “Rowan” Roughan (he/they), artist name Nullself, is a 31 year old queer, trans, and disabled man living in Boston, MA. His inkwork illustrations give shape to the experiences and sensations he has in his meditation practice and everyday life, especially as it pertains to self, queerness, disability, and connection.  https://www.instagram.com/nullself/.