Ariadne Slept
A map unfolds without names,
the world tilts
curling inward,
a chambered nautilus held back
in its shell.
A mottled sea
unspools itself, recoils, unsure
of the thread’s
reach, the maze’s end.
The earth dreams between the seas,
like a scar.
Ariadne slept
her arm draped into a crown
of flesh.
In her waking
did she hope to close distance
of time, recognize
the sun’s setting
a green flash at the horizon
or the pull of sails
into the wind?
Jared Beloff is a teacher and poet who lives in Queens, NY with his wife and two daughters. You can find his work in Contrary Magazine, Rise Up Review, The Shore, Barren Magazine and elsewhere. You can find him online at Follow him on twitter @read_instead.
Roselle Farr is a full time Business Analyst, in her spare time she is an amateur photographer, but has also started to explore the world of abstract painting. She loves being creative and a selection of her photos can be found at her Instagram page – rosellemarie_photos.