Babylon Rising
this is a poem for the musicians / who create music as their purpose
this is a poem for the artists / who make art as their calling
this is a poem is for those who do the things they are sentenced in this life to do / steadily steadily steadily
without an audience
without the limelight
without hesitation
this poem is for the likes Joe Carter
voices that take us on a round trip to heaven / a caravan of spirituals & armed black spirits / making silent marks in history / mending our suffering with their gifts / reminding us with every unfamous rhythm;
tis well tis well tis well with thy souls.
Sloane Angelou is a storyteller & writer of West African origin; passionate about learning of human existence by interrogating human experiences. They exist in liminal spaces.
Garrett Ray Riggs is an artist and writer who works in acrylic and ink. Texture and vibrant color are primary features in his portraits and abstract paintings. This is his second appearance in Feral and his work has also been featured in Another Chicago Magazine, Quail Bell Magazine, and Mary: A Journal of New Writing among others. Find him on Instagram: