‘Cage Free’ by Liz Parker Garcia

Pinky Petals
by Jennifer Rodrigues

Cage Free

I hid my heart like a cascarón
green heart in the dandelions and clover 
pink heart beside the bougainvillea bush 
yellow heart tucked under a hibiscus 
no, nestled next to a birdhouse 
okay, fine, suspended mid-sky where I 
couldn’t look at it without blinding 

I hid my heart so well 
it took all my youth to find it again 

Once, my very Baptist best 
friend’s mom gave us empty eggs 
instead of sinful chocolate 
she said, it’s like the tomb and resurrection 
the gift of Jesus not being there 
and being there               When

I finally found my heart 
I expected it to be empty as a 
hollow bones and a whisper of 
craw and caw, failed fledgling 
whose downy feathers flicker when 
a screen door slams

but it wasn’t empty, just cracked open           
by me               at last
the wind 
lifting confetti from eggshells 

Liz Parker Garcia’s poetry and creative nonfiction have found homes in SAGE Magazine, Exit 7, The Missouri Review’s Miller Audcast, The Lindenwood Review, and elsewhere. After serving as Artist in Residence at the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Liz moved to East Tennessee where she can be found hiking mossy trails, refilling bird feeders, and sniffing honeysuckle.

Jennifer Rodrigues currently lives on the sacred Powhatan land of Fairfax, VA. She is trained as a certified yoga therapist & trauma informed yoga teacher, is a queer military spouse, mom, & neurodivergent superhuman. She has been featured in many lovely literary journals & anthologies, & has been nominated for Best of the Net with her photography. Find her on Insta @gmoneyfunklove.