‘Empty field’ by Shine Ballard

Untitled 2
by Sara Dobbie

Empty field

It’s too cold to walk about this place, 
the outthere out there, 
so, i peer out the picture 
window, prying into the silence 
and i spy the coalspectacled 
shape made, given—left
It, of no home, still, belonging

i, bundled to brave it, be 
come outthere as well
To see it more clearly— 
beyond shape
The substance of it 
As i approach i notice 
the frown made of raisins, prunish

Why? What service could be such 
that a snowman should be soured?
It makes no          it has no
Though i sense a struggle, i surrender
the moment because the miasma 
of breathing before me, about 
we, belongs to both 
bodies,          freezing—or could 
And this disturbs me
To know, not knowing

That unsmile unsettles me, more 
so, the breathing which begs a question

Shine Ballardthe déclassédilettante, currently creates and resides on this plane(t).

Sara Dobbie is a writer and photographer from Southern Ontario, Canada. Her stories have appeared in various online journals, and her photography appears regularly in Versification Zine. Follow her on Twitter at @sbdobbie.