‘Family Tree’ by Sean Winn

by Kevin Vivers

Family Tree

Sean Winn is a businessy type who picked up the pen after leaving the workforce. His fiction, essays, and poetry have since appeared in dozens of literary journals, most recently in KosmosGlint, and Marathon. In addition to writing, his other project is getting an environmental nonprofit off the ground: the Plastic Reduction Project. He lives and writes in Austin, TX after having lived many years in Indonesia, Singapore, and Hong Kong.

Kevin Vivers has been a photographer for over 40 years and is constantly amazed by what the world has to offer if one just takes the time to see it. He has no preconceived notions as to what he is looking to photograph and with an open mind and eye his images are very instinctual, reflexive. Not spur of the moment but watchful of those moments as they come into view.