weighted against my chest, in a zerograv chair
on the patchwork lawn at dusk. my daughter
makes specs with her eyes, hands. calls the moon
an egg, tells me a bird is coming for the sun, screams
it into wildbirth and I wonder what she knows of
starbed & sproutwing. Of ashes and panic. in time she will
be able to name the places where I’ve secreted her
history: kidney. clavicle. leaflight. an amber brooch
in a cedar box. she is only, and I have given her too
much name: pinesmoke. gin. the ability to make holy things
unseen. suneater & everlasting. forgive me, I am
collecting the needles of her dreamspeak now
while she holds her stillfingered hands to my cheeks
neither feather nor flame consuming.
Sherre Vernon (she/her/hers) is a seeker of a mystical grammar and a recipient of the Parent-Writer Fellowship at The Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing. She has two award-winning chapbooks: Green Ink Wings (fiction) and The Name is Perilous (poetry). Readers describe Sherre’s work as heartbreaking, richly layered, lyrical and intelligent. To read more of her work visit and tag her into conversation @sherrevernon.
Ann Privateer is a poet, artist, and photographer. She grew up in the Midwest and now resides in California. Some of her work has appeared in Third Wednesday and Entering to name a few.