‘Keith Richards Loop’ by Sam Prestianni

En Route
by Cori Matusow

Keith Richards Loop

When Keith wrote the riff 
to Satisfaction in his sleep, 
he wasn’t sure he didn’t steal it 
from someone else’s dream. Kids 
with guitars fantasize about one day 
being household names, like Cuisinart 
or Nespresso. Imagine sharing 
every meal, every morning 
with someone who loves 
you. That’s the dream reel 
of every pop song, why we run 
our playlists on repeat. Earworms 
of our lives are called grooves 
for a reason. Music is the hammer 
of the gods we let shimmy us 
into being. We tell ourselves 
stories (call it prayer) in the dark, 
get out of bed, duckwalk into the day, 
our pockets full, bellies fat with all 
of it, just everything.

Second son of a second-generation Baltimore Sicilian who shared the same Americanized first name, Sam Prestianni is a writer, musician, filmmaker, Humanities educator, and founder of 21stcenturylearning.com.

Cori Matusow is a New York-based writer and photographer. Recent essays, short stories, and photographs have been published in the New Croton Review, SuperpresentBlink-Ink, and Penumbra. Cori has a forthcoming publication in under the gum treewww.corimatusow.com.