‘life down the block’ by May Chong

Untitled 2
by Justin Robinson

life down the block

they built me
up, black-eyed pieces
sipping on batteries, twenty
to a night market case,
a precious score of ways
to fill a screen or wipe it
clean. even mother
was not immune, coaxing
blocks into gymnastics.
so we were silent and
content. except

even now, the
odd one out, i am
obsessed with vanishing
rows, sliding things
into their exact holes
and nowhere else. even unstraight
and spinning in freefall,
every button pushed is a prayer
for a place to place
unbending corners. when at last
i align
i will take you with me,
i will take you all with me.

May Chong (@maysays on Twitter) is a Malaysian poet/speculative writer with verse in Lammergeier, Apparition Literary, Claw and Blossom, and Strange Horizons. Her microchap Seed, Star, Song is available from Ghost City Press. Away from the keyboard, May enjoys birdwatching, good cheese, great stories, and terrible, terrible puns.

Justin Robinson Expressionist Painter living in Toronto, and a traveller of the north he’s spent the last 10 years exploring the human condition. Realized in the form of rich tonal values, color and brush strokes, the works he considers to share a quality between abstract-emotionalism and structure provided by realism. Current student of London Art College in the field of Portraiture.