‘Light Enough’ by Terri McCord

frozen in time III
by Mary Vaneecke

Light Enough

I had to turn the car
and pass her again,

the large dead doe
pulled to the center
of the thoroughfare,
the doe seemingly
staged to shock

surrounded by concrete,
far from green.

I pretend to run
my fingers over fur,
make of her 

a small fawn,
her fawn spots
ellipses, or the finger holes 
of a flute,
smudges of chalk, 
torn-edges paper, 
or breadcrumbs to follow.

So, she is light
enough                 for me to carry
to the forest 
that opens up,
reappears, and asks for her return.

A South Carolina Arts Commission literary fellowship recipient, Terri McCord has earned awards from Hub City, Emrys Foundation, the Poetry Society of South Carolina, literary journals such as the Southeast ReviewSouth Carolina ReviewKakalak, etc., and the Vermont Studio Center. Her poems have been nominated for a “Best of the Net” and four Pushcarts. @TMcCordwriter  –  Twitter (X) https://www.instagram.com/terrileemccord/  https://www.facebook.com/Terri McCord/.

Mary Vaneecke is an award-winning artist, author, and teacher. Her mixed media art on textiles has been exhibited in museums and at regional and national shows throughout the US, in Europe and Australia.  Her work and articles have appeared in many publications, including the LA TimesQuilting Arts MagazineMachine Quilting Unlimited, the Studio Art Quilt Associates’ Journal, and The Quilting Quarterly. In 2010, her work Homage won the American Quilters Society’s Longarm Workmanship Award for a Wall-sized quilt in Paducah, KY. She is founder of TheMourningProject.com, a huge community art project to draw attention to the problem of infant mortality by collecting 20,000 pairs of handmade baby booties. www.maryvaneecke.com www.facebook.com/mvaneecke  www.twitter/vaneecke.