‘Melodies of Loss’ by Linda Conroy

Blowin’ in the Wind (Bob Dylan)
by Ganesh

Melodies of Loss

We set out for North America, left behind
our homeland, my blue bicycle, and the piano
that I loved. Father had earned a better offer
in his chosen field. To him it was important, 
less so to the rest of us. We’ll get a new piano,
Mother held. No one said that leaving
would be hard and landing in another place
so strange. Sentiment’s a luxury, indulgence
Mother said. My bike brought me freedom, 
moving fast, and miles away, but the piano, 
an old upright heavy one, sustained the real me, 
played in an empty room, for hours, some days.
Is she still plonking, father would complain,
said we’d get another. That day never came. 

Linda Conroy, the author of two poetry collections, likes to write about the complexity of the behaviors that make us human and influence our connection with the natural world.  As well as writing and leading writing groups, she plays several musical instruments and likes to sing. 

Ganesh loves to travel and explore the places and faces he meets. His work has appeared in Prune Juice, Under the Basho, Failed Haiku, Scarlet Dragonfly, Chrysanthemum, Pan Haiku Review and Fresh Out. Country: India.  Instagram @guns_82.   https://gunsgreat.wixsite.com/thewanderlustdiaries  https://thelongshortofit248090362.wordpress.com/        https://gunspoemsandstories.wordpress.com/