‘Otherworld Charlie’ by M.S. Evans

Untitled 3
by Jim Zola

Otherworld Charlie

We will rescue him: 
fine brushes, ink, 
gold leaf. 

his muddy boots, 
work gloves.  

We won’t mention them.

Lead him to the room 

with good light, an easel, 

We will never ask 
what he’s making

needs space. 

Downstairs simmering
soup with Babcia, 
silent at 
the pale table,

we wait for 
Charlie’s transfiguration.

M.S. Evans is a Pushcart nominated poet and visual artist residing in Butte, Montana. Her work has appeared in Black Bough Poetry, Ice Floe Press, Anti-Heroin Chic, and Fevers of the Mind, among others. Twitter: @SeaNettleInk Instagram: @seanettleart.

Jim Zola is a poet and photographer living in North Carolina.