‘PLUM TREE’ by Agnieszka Filipek

Reclining Form 4
by Kevin Vivers


fragrance of ripe plums
reminding me of grandma’s pie

gathering plums from the tree
your father planted when you were born

the branches heavy with fruit
nearly touching the ground

you wishing to be buried here
under the tree that meant so much

Agnieszka Filipek is a Polish–born poet living in Ireland. Her work, in both English and Polish, has been published worldwide, and some has been also translated into German, Persian and Chinese. Her poems have appeared in Amsterdam Quarterly, SAND Journal, Autumn Sky Poetry Daily, Tilted House Review, Capsule Stories, Local Wonders Anthology, Lucent Dreaming, Black Bough Poetry, Crannóg, The Blue Nib, Chrysanthemum, Writing Home: The ‘New Irish’ Poets Anthology, Marble Poetry Magazine, The Sirens Call, Balloons Literary Journal, and elsewhere. Visit her on Facebook.

Kevin Vivers has been a photographer for over 40 years and is constantly amazed by what the world has to offer if one just takes the time to see it. He has no preconceived notions as to what he is looking to photograph and with an open mind and eye his images are very instinctual, reflexive. Not spur of the moment but watchful of those moments as they come into view.