‘Requiem for Banana Bread’ by Haley Kleinman

Ancestral Walk
by Karen Pierce Gonzalez

Requiem for Banana Bread

Haley Kleinman is a novelist and poet from Southern California with a background in performing arts. Recently, she published her first novel, A World of Shadows, and is currently working on her second in the genre of realistic fiction. She’s been recognized by the Wilbur and Niso Smith Foundation and Scholastic Art and Writing, and published in Gremlins Mag and Cathartic Youth Lit. When she’s not writing, she’s quoting her favorite movies or impulsively buying new books. Tik Tok and Instagram: haleyywritess

Karen Pierce Gonzalez’s art work has appeared in several magazines and galleries, including The Storms: A Journal of Poetry, Prose & Visual Art, FERAL: A Journal of Poetry and Art, Nightingale & Sparrow Literary Magazine, Sebastopol Center of the Arts, and Truckenbrod Gallery. She is a 2022 National Arts Program Featured Artist (USA). Her chapbooks include Coyote in the Basket of My Ribs (Kelsay Books) and her fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction have appeared in numerous publications. Website: https://karenpiercegonzalez.blogspot.com  https://twitter.com/folkheartpress https://www.instagram.com/karenpiercegonzalez/  https://bsky.app/profile/karenpgonzalez.bsky.social https://www.facebook.com/karen.p.gonzalez.14/