‘Rooted’ by James Tipton

Entwined Roots
by Jim Gambaro


The old trees spoke to us
we knew their names their heritage
was ours in the different seasons

those white blossoms or the boughs
the same through time shaking
in wind speaking

to us over decades my friend a
different world and they—stationary in
their wisdom—know of sky-value

wind and rain and sun and earth knowledge
always rooted
rooted to the core

James Tipton is the author of ANNETTE VALLON, A NOVEL OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION (HarperCollins 2008), a San Francisco Chronicle Bestseller and a Barnes and Noble Discover Great Writers Pick.  USA Today called it “A marvelous novel.”  Boston Globe said, “A vivid portrait of a chaotic, violent, terrifying era,” and The Philadelphia Inquirer summed it up as “A romance novel, an adventure novel, and a concise history of the French Revolution… Evocative and elegiac.”  Recently, The Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine has bought ten of his Dr. Watson-without-Sherlock Holmes mysteries.  James has published stories and poems in the journals Literature and Psychology, Blue Unicorn, and Nostos, among others. He holds a Ph.D. in English literature, an M.A. in Creative Writing and teaches at the College of Marin in the San Francisco Bay Area.  

Jim Gambaro has been a writer, human service worker and various other things but has been a photographer since he picked up his first Brownie camera at age 3. His home in Western Massachusetts’ verdant Pioneer Valley provides limitless inspiration, as do his poet wife and two feline muses. http://jimgambarophotography.zenfolio.com/  Facebook: Jim Gambaro Photography.