‘some thin nothing’ by Ahimaz Ponrasa

Tawa Trees
by Susan diRende

some thin nothing

on a betel leaf 
a railroad worm
to whom all depths
are pretense
so are all breadths.

a breath of damp green
gives a sense of
something growing.

all things sing of
nothing being
the building block of
every single thing.

as usual
universes shrink
stars go off
as always.
between fingertips
fidget spinner.

the railroad worm
on the betel leaf
expects no narratives
except nothing that’s
something that in turn is
no thin everything.

so it embraces
none and all
the whole earth.

Ahimaz Ponrasa (a.k.a Rajessh, @ahimaaz) has been published recently with The Babel Tower Notice Board, Blood Orange, Fever Dream, Giallo, Drunk Monkeys, Nymphs, TERSE. Journal, Jellyfish Review, Burning House Press, Velivada, BEST BUDS! Collective, RIC Journal and Minor Literature[s]. He lives in the Union of India.

Author/artist Susan diRende travels the world with no fixed abode. She has won awards for her writing including the 2017 Special Citation for Excellence by the Philip K Dick Awards. Her artwork has had exhibitions in New Zealand, Belgium, Mexico, and the US. Most recently, she has had writing and artwork published in The Dewdrop, the Pine Hills Review, and The Gaze Journal.