‘Something Blue’ by Annette C. Boehm

Coca Cola Galaxy
by Lindsey Pucci

Something Blue

Here isn’t anything like in the books 
we’ve brought for you to read. I’m sorry 
we weren’t thinking. There was no time. 
And now, you don’t believe in blue 
sky, or birds, or trees, because we have 
none. Here, they’d be luxuries. Your world 
is red, and sandstorms blow 
fragments of curiosity and insight past
 the nursery, past the clear tanks full 
of fish and algae, past the hydroponics lab 
where every day I try to grow 
something old, something new, life 
borrowed from cuttings, seeds, or cells.

Annette C. Boehm (she / her) is a queer poet from Germany. She is the author of The Apidictor Tapes (forthcoming this October) and The Knowledge Weapon, as well as two chapbooks. She serves as a poetry reader for Memorious

Lindsey Pucci lives with her Husband and Son in Minnesota. She received her B.S. at the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse where she was the recipient of the Carol Quillins Art Scholarship. Her art has been shown at the State Street Gallery and the La Crosse Center for the Arts in Wisconsin. Lindsey’s photography has been on the cover of Nightingale & Sparrow and published in the Parliament Lit Journal. She can be found on Instagram @linney_bee.