‘The Tender Skull’ by Paul Hiatt

Little Surrealist
by Brenda Mann Hammack

The Tender Skull

cookie tater 
meat husk 
niblet s’more 
nib square 
loaf pack
bar crisp
frozen fresh 
flash packed 
serving size 
corn based 
chip bar wrap-

thin sliced 
chunky melt 
juice packed 
barley broth 
fish sauce
chicken fingers 
frozen wing dip-

burger ham 
ground round 
dander mit 
turtle wax 
salmon skin 
leek rue 
garlic paste 
pinot pint
mint mouth 
hot pot 
rice crisp 
weiner glaze 
porterhouse bisque-

wax sheet 
wurst tub 
butter pat 
soup mix 
hot cup
cut chew 
oil packed 
perch gas 
treated tray 
ice cream scoop-

the baby screams, not crying
a catastrophe of assaulted nerves
her face full red, her eyes 
wide, agog with betrayal
arms in the air above her head
her tiny heart racing to catch the passing blur 
her senses engulfed by the otherworldly 
lunatic row after row of sensate noise
throb and gush igniting her mind
filling the delicate funnel of her eyes
the cold freshening air tastes like wilted lettuce
and low watt engine smoldering in oil
her mother pushes the cart
checks the list, and again
negotiates crowded aisles 
crammed with silent choosing
tired adult brains vs precision marketing 
with lunatic fonts
eye exploding colors
talking animals 
violent reds
and nuclear orange 
infused with deft chemistry 
to incite grotesque consumption
of non food food items 
birthing hyperspeed cartoons of craving
an undefinable dark need to consume is 
almost satisfied and just out of reach
in the imagined animal drowse of chewing
the baby’s brain simmers
in the bonfire of subliminal salesmanship 
the mother’s face, the color of grits 
eyes longing for the door 
in a line of similar faces, waiting
as the scanner bleats
the bags are pulled
the bags are filled
the bags are placed, then replaced
beside the baby in the crowded car 
strapped and buckled into her seat
the smell of plastic and fresh doughnut
and the stale heat of the car
put her to sleep
her dreams are an expanding universe
of gibbering noise
pulsating against the throbbing drum 
of her tender skull
hacking away at the virgin neuronal forest

as the car, the chemistry
and the mother and the baby and
the shrink wrapped, focus group tested
supremely moist, corn based edibles
snug in twelve ounce doses 

Paul Hiatt is a writer, musician and hospital worker living in Friday Harbor, Washington. He graduated from Indiana University with a degree in Anthropology. His writing has been featured in The Bicycle Review, Oddball Magazine, Rusty Truck, The Bitchin’ Kitsch and Falling Star Magazine.

In addition to serving as managing editor and web designer for Glint Literary Journal, Brenda Mann Hammack teaches folklore, modern poetry, women’s literature, and creative writing at Fayetteville State University where she also serves as coordinator for the BA in Creative and Professional Writing. Her book, Humbug: A Neo-Victorian Fantasy in Verse, was released in 2013.  Other work (poetry, fiction, and digital art) has appeared or is forthcoming in Menacing Hedge, The London Reader, The Fabulist, 3Elements Review, The Hunger, Anthropoid, NILVX, Rhino, A capella Zoo, and Lissa Kiernan’s Glass Needles & Goose Quills. Her collaborations with Maureen Alsop appear in They Said: A Multi-Genre Anthology of Contemporary Collaborative Writing (Black Lawrence Press 2018). Brenda also collaborates with wilder folk. Some have antlers, others wings. Their portraits can be found on her Instagram gallery (@brendahammack) along with additional collages from her ongoing series, “Flipping Art History.”