‘The universe yearns to be silent and still’ by David Ralph Lewis

Untitled 1
by Jim Zola

The universe yearns to be silent and still

Outside, gentle swish of cotton clouds,
the sustained hum of another dawn.
Gulls, all wing blur, lilt and careen.

I struggle to believe in the slow erosion
of everything, until a bird feeder tumbles,
seeds fall in no pattern and birds, wailing,
peck each other apart, feather by feather.

David Ralph Lewis (www.davidralphlewis.co.uk) is a poet based in Bristol, UK who has been published in Marble Poetry Magazine, Nine Muses Poetry and Neon Magazine. He has two pamphlets, Our Voices in the Chaos published by Selcouth Station and Refraction. He enjoys dancing badly at gigs and attempting to grow vegetables.

Jim Zola is a poet and photographer living in North Carolina.