Turquoise Phthalo
Lucie Bonvalet is a writer, a visual artist and a teacher. Her writing can be found or is forthcoming in FENCE, The Brussels Review, Best Small Fictions 2023, SAND, Michigan Quarterly Review, Catapult, and elsewhere. Originally from the Dordogne in France, she has lived in Portland, Oregon since 2004.
Instagram: lbonvalet Twitter: LucieBonvalet.
KJ Hannah Greenberg uses her trusty point-and-shoot camera to capture the order of G-d’s universe, and Paint 3D to capture her personal chaos. Sometimes, it’s insufficient for her to sate herself by applying verbal whimsy to pastures where gelatinous wildebeests roam or fey hedgehogs play. Hannah’s self-illustrated poetry collections are: Miscellaneous Parlor Tricks (Seashell Books, 2024), Word Magpie (Audience Askew, 2024), Subrogation (Seashell Books, 2023), and One-Handed Pianist (Hekate Publishing, 2021).